Paying The Pryce
The critically acclaimed period drama Mad Men centers around an ad agency and its employees adapting to a world transitioning through the 1960s. In season 5, episode 4 (entitled 'Signal 30'), two employees, Lane Pryce and Pete Campbell, have a series of miscommunication and disagreements that result in a fist fight in the middle of the office. The events are as follows. Lane Pryce is the financial chief and a founding partner of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. Originally from England, he has always found it difficult to woo clients the way that the American executives in the accounts department can. Suddenly finding himself with newfound confidence, he enlists expert account man and fellow partner Roger Sterling to train him on how to talk to a client. After Roger gives Lane a lengthy lesson on how to talk to potential costumers, Lane sets off to get dinner with a representative from Jaguar Cars. Lane's dinner goes incredibly poorly. After attempting to use many of th...